Sunday 28 March 2010

Treasured final devising week

The last week of Treasured devising went well. At the end of the week we had the full team together for the first time, which was really exciting, good to hear all the ideas and have such expertise to work with.
We ended the week by showing the designers as full a performance as we could for each piece of jewellery. We also showed it to three members of mac staff. They all seemed to have a good time, which feels really positive.

The next stage is getting the design in place, so I'm really looking forward to seeing and hearing some of the ideas we've spoken about being made a reality.

Becky, Ben and Lewis found a really neat solution to our "how should we facilitate the end of the performance debate", there is a lovely little window seat outside the rooms we are using, which we are going to make into an area that the audience member can sit in for 15 minutes or so after the experience. The window seat will have elements of the show still in it, but also a view out over the courtyard of mac - hopefully aiding the transition out of our experience and into the rest of their day.