Sunday 7 February 2010

Work in progress showings for Treasured

The showings went really well - thanks to all those who came and for your great feedback. Strangely and rather beautifully, all audience members seemed to emerge through the door and go striaght to writing their feedback before talking to anyone. This makes me think that some contemplative/creative time and space should be built in to the end of the show.

Here are some samples of feedback

On feelings:
Calm, contemplative, peaceful. I felt as if nothing was expected of me yet my presence was of real importance.

On objects used:
I loved the fact that things didn't match – that there was an accumulation. There is something very lovely about the “home-made” feel to the show; simple chopping board and knife, non-uniformed teapots. The organic materials and glass materials suit the aesthetic of the production more than the plastic. Dim lighting lovely. I want to hear the full story.

I very much liked the first place. The low lighting and spacing of the objects (chairs etc.) was perfect. Non – threatening. The flower opening was a great time and space to reflect without feeling threatened, The poems helped me dream a bit. Tea was great – definite calming effect.

One of the things I was most pleased with in the performance was finding a level of trust with audience members, and maintaining it. In her opening introductions to the performance Lou says "there are no tricks here" this is a vital part in allowing people to be at ease, but crucially then must be followed through in the rest of the piece. Lou doesn't play a character, but she is instrumental in setting up and holding the atmosphere of the space. I really like the honesty of this, and that the performance is still fascinating to watch - ritualistic, slow, building in momentum - despite not being "acted" per se.

Next time we work on Treasured (at mac) the team will grow to encompass 9 people, including our designers; set and costume, lighting, sound. It's great to have finally re-visited the first room (now very different from the 2006 version with The Other Way Works), and I have seen for the first time the potential of the full show - very exciting!