Wednesday 23 June 2010

Reviews for Treasured - A Secret Journey

It is a good, but very strange feeling to finally get a review:

When Katie and I were co-directors of TOWW we spent a long time trying but failing to get reviewers along to see the work. It is great to feel that things are getting slightly less London-centric.

Here are a couple of the nicest bits from Lyn Gardner of the Guardian:

"It's over in a twinkling, but the effect lingers."

"A deft and imaginative experience from a new company with great potential."

We've also had an amazing response from our audiences, and some incredibly beautiful words written in our comments book. Here are two of the many:

"Every step was captivating"

"Struggling to find words, but will try... amazing, breathtaking, emotional, sensitive."

And so into the final week...